Our new family of modular, innovative functional yarns and fabrics for use in composite applications. CruxTex™ can be used in two distinct composite applications:
1) Thermoplastics
2) Resin based systems
- Removes the need for any impregnation process
- Vastly reduced processing time – resulting in significant cost savings
- Improved handling costs
- Improved Health and Safety conditions for your employees
- A very even thermoplastic distribution due to location of fibres.
Resin Based Systems
- Up to 40% greater Resin Retention
- Superior wet out
- Fabric/yarn can be engineered to fit your resin system, meaninghuge flexibility, choice and often cost savings
- Exceptonal interfacial bond strength
- Improved resistance to harsh chemical and abrasive environments
All yarns in the CruxTex™ family utilise a continuous filament core with a spun outer sheath that can be made from a choice of materials. Fibre orientation in the core is longitudinal along the yarns length offering all of the strength and physical properties that you would expect of the main functional fibre, whilst the sheath fibre orientation is perpendicular to the core.
The main core components to chose from, all of which are continuous filament are:
1. Carbon Fibre
2. Meta/Para Aramid
3. ‘E’ or ‘S’ Glass
As a vertically integrated textile facility, we have the ability to provide further hybrid coatings through blending any of the following on a fibre level. This allows our engineering design team to work with you to produce the best technical solution for any given application. Spun coatings can be made from any of the following either individually or as a hybrid blend:
• Glass
• Meta/Para Aramid
• Nylon
• PolyPropylene
• Acrylic
• Cotton
Want to learn more?
Click on the Pdf to download a copy of our datasheet.
Call us now on +44 (0)1388 832 321
Email: enquiries@aptecproducts.co.uk